Tuesday, 14 June 2011

On Becoming My Own Boss

I have been an employee for more than seven years already. Add to that, I worked part-time for almost a year for fast-food chains while I was studying in college. I am now at a fork in my life. Am I ready to let go of the corporate world and start my own business?

 Photo from one of the many business blogs I am reading these day, http://www.vickidonlan.com

I have been entertaining the idea of putting up my own business since I formed a business concept in my mind five years ago. After five years of imagining, I have already witnessed my business grew into an empire inside my head. If only starting a business is as easy as it appeared in my dreams.

I am seriously reading several magazines on business planning and they all say that the best time to put up a business is NOW. I say, it’s very tempting to do so each time I read inspiring stories from entrepreneurs who started small and became successful. But I have so many fears and other reservations. Will I be able to get immediate return of investment? Will I earn more than (or at least maybe even equal to) the amount I am receiving now as an employee? Am I fit to become my own boss?

This blog will be my business notebook springing to online life. I will record here my experiences as an aspiring entrepreneur. It is said that one should not reveal his/her plan otherwise some other people may copy it, but it is also said that plans don’t come to life unless written down and shared to others. This way, one becomes accountable to fulfill his/her plan because there are other people involved now, people who care and support, or people who are negative and wants to see the other down.

I of course hope to find more people on the brighter side, supporting me. And when I finally realize my dreams of running my own business, I will invite all of you to one huge party!

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