Monday, 2 March 2015

Words, pictures, websites, and businesses

Welcome to March! After this month, the first quarter of the year is over. Don't you think it is the best time to assess how you are performing with your goals for the year? It is a great time to revisit and realign your priorities. With day time appearing longer in the coming months (summer's here!), you will feel like being given more chances to accomplish more tasks and develop habits that will enable you to reach your goals.

 "Life is a series of choices" from Stress is a Choice. 

Talking about realigning priorities, I am doing just that this year, starting with this business blog. I initially started this blog to chronicle my progress with my very own business venture (a semi-NGO actually) called Dream Job Superhero. And now that I am putting up an official website for DJS, I would also like to share that experience with you too. 

Creating a website is much like establishing a business in itself. It takes a lot of planning using both creative and analytical thinking. Perhaps you have already heard that having a website (online presence) is a very crucial component that could help a lot in giving life to any business, young or old, micro or giant. If you haven't, then here are two articles for your guidance: Why your business needs a website and Why you need a website

Meanwhile,,,, and which are among the most visited Philippine websites, are proof that any kind or size of business will benefit from a website.

Research is a vital part of online shopping. 
Image from

Well I may not be able to discuss here how to design a website per se. Although I have some knowledge about html and css, I still rely on my website designer friends to help me create a professional-looking website. I am actually more enamored with creating and improving content for websites. In fact, I am doing just that for two years already as an independent copywriter and copy editor. And I love it because I love words, pictures, websites, and businesses (Yes! It feels nice to be able to include the title of this post inside the post article itself :-)) So you see, it is fun weaving words together and making them work to make a business work!

For the next posts, we will be talking about the plans and studies I make as I create a website. Right now, I am thinking about topics like why a business should have a website, what should a website contain, what to do next now that your business has a website, and many other things about the creative side of business.

So if these things interest you, please feel free to visit this blog again!

Thanks and good day! :-)

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